Nazdar Outlines Ten Reasons Why Inkjet Breakdowns Occur

Nazdar outlines ten reasons why inkjet breakdowns occur.

Nazdar recently held a seminar discussing potential causes of inkjet machine issues. The company’s Travis Barcelona of Nazdar Ink Technologies provided insight into the matter.

Barcelona said wide format buyers often overlook the importance of the printing environment and the influence of temperature and humidity. With too much moisture in the air, he said, ‘You’re printing on water.’ On the other hand with low humidity, ‘you can get a lot of static.’ Optimum humidity levels, he said, should be between 35 and 60 percent, and optimum temperature between 20 and 25 degree Celsius (68 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit).

‘I would highly suggest storing the printing material in a controlled environment somewhere near the printer,’ he said. Budget between 10-15% of the cost of the machine for consumables, Barcelona advised, including print heads, which only last one to three years.

Barcelona concluded with a list of 10 reasons why a breakdown occurs:

• Not reading the operator manual.
• Improper maintenance.
• Poor electrical connections or bad power.
• Overrunning the machine’s capability.
• Not replacing worn parts when needed and/or ignoring warning signals.
• Asking untrained staff to operate equipment.
• Scheduling conflicts interrupting maintenance schedules.
• Not understanding how equipment works.
• Operating personnel simply does not care.
• No investment in calibration tools, consumables and continual training.

The breakdown was discussed during the SGIA pre-expo seminar, ‘Wide-Format 101,’ in October.


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