Mimaki Opens Eurasia Office


Mimaki Europe B.V,. represented by Managing Director Mimaki Europe, Mr.Koji Shimizu, has announced the opening of the Mimaki Eurasia sales subsidiary. Mimaki Europe B.V. has received an official approval from the Istanbul local authority to establish a sales company in Istanbul, Turkey, and it has started its business operation as of 14 April 2016.

Mimaki has always seen the Eurasian market as an important region, and has therefore decided to expand its activities with a full subsidiary in Istanbul, Turkey. Mimaki Eurasia will not only be offering direct technical support in this area, but will also be developing new sales activities. The textile market in this region has grown into a very strong sector in the past years. With the latest textile printing developments that Mimaki has introduced since the ITMA show in Milan, the company considers this a logical next step to develop its activities in this region even more.

Mimaki Europe B.V. already established the Mimaki Istanbul Technical Centre in 2013 to strengthen the regional technical support and has been supplying technical training for the many distributors and dealers in Turkey and surrounding countries. Turkey, with over 70 million people, is one of the leading textile countries in the world. The new Mimaki base in Istanbul enables the company to have a more active sales operations in the region and thus increase Mimaki’s market share.

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