Metamark Vinyl Used In Van Project

Metamark Vinyl Used In Van Project

Metamark 7 Series High Performance calendered sign vinyl was used in another vehicle project. Dark coloured vehicles present a dramatic canvas for vehicle graphics and are distinctive. Despite their growing numbers, they are still comprehensively outnumbered by white vehicles.

One of the most recent vehicles handled by Elite Signs and Graphics belongs to Brian Paddick, who owns PGM. PGM had an existing livery design for its vehicles but in view of the fact its new vehicle was pretty ‘shouty’ even without graphics, they were looking for something a bit more restrained, classy and even understated.

Elite Signs and Graphics worked on PGM’s very distinctive van, and between them produced a design that succeeds at many levels. It relies on contrasts drawn from the colours available in the hefty Metamark M7 swatch and works with the vehicle, neither dominating nor distracting. It’s tempting to call it simple but ‘carefully considered and brilliantly executed’ might be more appropriate.

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