Metamark Vinyl Enhances Gym With Colourful Mural

Metamark Vinyl Enhances Gym With Colourful Mural

Metamark’s material was used for a gym mural, applied by UK-based The Print Town. The Print Town printed the detailed design on Metamark MD5-H vinyl, choosing the gloss variant for the ‘pop’ it lent to the mural’s carefully managed colours. It is laminated with a protective layer of Metamark MG700 in matte to tame the reflections in the well lit environment.

Under the mural is an OSB clad wall. The surface of the OSB wall was prepared for the high-tack vinyl decor it would receive with Metamark Silver Bullet, an easily applied and environmentally responsible coating that transforms viable surfaces to enhance the adhesion levels the applied graphics can achieve.

The new gym has boxing rings and all the attendant hardware that top fighters need to do their work and, thanks to the creative efforts of Sean Mortlock and his team at The Print Town, the facility has a great ambient atmosphere too. The Print Town has transformed the gym’s cavernous interior with a landmark-scaled boxing-themed mural.

The Print Town has been around since about 2013 and relatively recently crossed the line into providing wide format print. Before that, Mortlock got ink under his nails in the world of commercial offset print and so he knows a thing or two about colour and how it works.

The mural was designed in house at The Print Town and features an amazing array of boxing news from the current and past era. Seen from a distance it is a busy and very colourful collage of bewildering detail. Looked at more closely it gives up a great deal more detail thank to Mortlock’s printing expertise.

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