Marabu UV-LED-Curable Screen Printing Ink For Glass Provides Excellent Adhesion


Ultra Glass LEDGL is a UV-LED-curable screen printing ink with ideal properties in terms of initial adhesion, opacity, gloss and reactivity.

Using the ink, the glass industry can profit from UV-LED technology – with all the benefits UV has to offer, while excluding UV drawbacks like pre-heating or emissions. In addition, UV-LEDs provide a much longer life span, and energy expenses will drop below 50%. It is a modern and sustainable technology.


Ultra Glass LEDGL is suited for the following substrates (pre-treatment partly required):
– Packaging glass, e.g. beverage bottles.
– Flat glass for indoor use.
– Cosmetic bottles.
– Restaurant glass.
– Glazed ceramics.
– Metals.
– Anodised aluminium.
– Varnished surfaces.

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Marabu for Screen and Pad Printing Applications:
+27 (0)11 493-3686

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