Marabu Inks Introduces MaraTech MGO

Marabu Inks introduces MaraTech MGO.

MaraTech MGO has been formulated specifically for glass and metal. 

Many applications require maximum performance from printing ink: good adhesion, as well as dishwasher and cleaning chemical resistance. As a rule, the requirements can only be met by adding a hardener; i.e a one-component and at the same time highly resistant glass and metal ink, suitable for screen and pad printing. MaraTech MGO has made this a reality.

Benefits include:

-Cost-efficiency: one-component baking ink for glass and metal.
-Economical stocking: designed for screen and pad printing.
-Meets highest demands on adhesion, chemical and dishwasher resistance.
-Suitable for sensitive applications such as baby bottles.

Marabu for Screen and Pad Printing Applications:
+27 (0)11 493-3686

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