Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems Showcasing Finishing Solutions In Las Vegas

Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems Showcasing Finishing Solutions In Las Vegas

Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems (Kongsberg PCS) will demonstrate the capabilities of its flagship Kongsberg C64 system, its modular Kongsberg X24 table and its MultiCam APEX Series routers.

The company will exhibit these solutions at this year’s ISA International Sign Expo in Las Vegas from 12-14 April.

‘Our Kongsberg C series is the first multifunction super-wide digital finisher for signage and display applications, and the C64 is our flagship model,’ said Matt Thackray, VP and General Manager of Kongsberg PCS operations in America. ‘More than 50 years of technical expertise and innovation has created the most popular cutting systems for sign manufacturers – digital solutions that can handle even the toughest materials while delivering unerring precision. The team will demonstrate how digital finishing is automatically easier, with the systems having the ability to be automated for a variety of materials – whether it’s in workflow, material handling or tooling swaps – minimising human error and improving efficiency and productivity,’ he said.

‘With the range of available tooling combinations, businesses can manufacture any variety of signs quickly and easily while being confident in achieving the best quality of final product,’ said Thackray. ‘At ISA, we’ll not only demonstrate its power and precision, but also how productivity is boosted with the roll feeder, maximising throughput while eliminating costly misalignment errors.’

The Kongsberg PCS team will also be delivering continuous demonstrations of its Kongsberg X24. ‘In today’s volatile market, where both customer demands and capabilities of technology change rapidly, it is important to invest in equipment that offers the flexibility to grow in-line with business needs,’ said Thackray. ‘The X24 delivers this, not just through its wide range of applications but also because it is a cutting table that can evolve via an initial X24 Edge system investment. Packed with a wide range of specialty tools, the system offers speed, power and flexibility to handle a wide variety of materials and can easily be upgraded as a business grows.’

‘At this year’s expo we will showcase the incredible MultiCam Apex 3R CNC router, demonstrating how businesses benefit from a number of features standard with the machine that they might normally only get when buying much more expensive routers,’ added Thackray. ‘It features a heavy, all-steel tube frame that ensures durability and makes it more rigid, which reduces vibration and improves routing quality.’

‘The Apex 3R includes the EZ Control operator interface so users can start routing right away and have minimal interruption in work processes, while a three-axis motion control system gives tight control over routing quality for precision and quality cutting.’

The Apex 3R will be kitted out with the MultiCam High Speed Kinetic Blower and iVision Dust Collection system, to highlight the efficiency and operational gains that businesses can look forward to enjoying.

‘We’re excited to bring our market-leading Apex 1R to ISA too,’ he said. ‘Designed for smaller businesses or shops but still offering the same great performance you expect from a MultiCam router, it is constructed from a single-piece welded steel frame along with an aircraft-quality steel gantry. The super-robust Apex 1R also features cast gantry supports which greatly dampen vibrations. We look forward to showing ISA visitors how the helical racks on each axis provide smooth motion and tight control for precise and quality cutting.’

Live demonstrations of the MultiCam machines will highlight the power, simplicity and accuracy of cutting and routing a range of materials including acrylic, aluminum, sign foam/precision board, canvas and PVC. ‘Some of our demonstrations will include mix media layering and thread milling, showing the ease of combining materials such as acrylic, aluminium, and sign foam,’ said Thackray.

Graphix Supply World
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