Kongsberg PCS Unveils Customer Experience Centre

Kongsberg PCS Unveils Customer Experience Centre

With spindle speeds ranging from 5.5-13.4 HP, the Multicam Apex3R can cut a variety of materials including plastic, aluminium, wood, high-density foam, and composite materials. Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems (‘Kongsberg PCS’), has unveiled a brand new customer experience centre at its headquarters in Belgium, dedicated to its MultiCam range of advanced routing and CNC cutting systems.

Kongsberg PCS installed the flagship MultiCam Apex3R at the new demo centre. ‘The Apex3R sets the standard for routing capabilities with its perfect balance between performance and precision,’ said Chris Rogers, International Sales Manager with Kongsberg PCS. ‘As we throw the doors open to our newest demo facility, adjacent to our Kongsberg customer experience centre, we wanted to demonstrate not only the power and capabilities of the MultiCam machines, but also show how they support our objective of making automation easy.’

‘The heavy, stress relieved, all-welded 9.5mm steel tube frame is milled in-house with parallel datums to within 25 microns, offering true perpendicular and parallel cuts,’ said Rogers. ‘This also makes the CNC machine more rigid, which reduces vibration and improves routing quality. The Operator Station interface, included as standard, ensures businesses can start routing right away and have minimal interruption in work processes, while a three-axis motion control system gives tight control over routing quality for precision and quality cutting.’

The opening of the demo centre is the latest stage of Kongsberg PCS’ planned growth, further expanding the MultiCam brand into Europe following its acquisition in late 2021.

‘The MultiCam CNC cutting systems open up a huge new market to Kongsberg PCS, with customers across a range of different sectors, (including) everything from sign making to digital finishing, aerospace to automotive, hardwoods to cabinet making and even thermoform trimming to plastics fabrication. We are excited to use the new demo centre to highlight how MultiCam supplies such innovative solutions for a multitude of industries and applications, and the Apex3R is a fantastic machine with which to start this journey,’ said Rogers.


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