Kongsberg Enhances Print And Cut Workflow With Caldera Integration

Kongsberg Enhances Print And Cut Workflow With Caldera

The recently unveiled version 2.6 of Kongsberg’s i-cut Production Console (iPC) has been developed to make it even easier for users to harness the power and precision of its digital cutting solutions and get the most out of their investment.

Automating print and cut workflows just became much simpler, as the latest Kongsberg iPC now integrates with CalderaRIP’s GrandCutServer software, supporting the Kongsberg JDF export and QR code functionality.

Now the software integrates with the CalderaRIP suite of award-winning, production-orientated print and Print-and-Cut workflow programmes that provide colour management, imaging and processing solutions for large and grand format peripherals.

‘Our iPC 2.6 is packed with a host of new features and upgrades, and we’re thrilled to have worked on this exciting collaboration with Caldera,’ said Koen Van Reybroeck, Kongsberg PCS product manager. ‘The focus of the integration between CalderaRIP and Kongsberg iPC is automation, not just in file preparation, but also in production on the cutting table.

‘With the integrated Kongsberg specific output format JDF, users can now push a more intelligent file type to iPC and the cutting table. Using them in a consistent way on the cutting tables allows the operator to benefit from full unattended production.’

This automated way of working offers standardisation in iPC based on materials and tooling presets, and delivers consistent cut quality regardless of who is operating the machine.

‘It also significantly reduces production setup time and better production time estimation in iPC at the table or iPC Prep Station,’ added Van Reybroeck. ‘Preparing jobs in CalderaRIP and adding a barcode or QR to the print file helps speed up the production process. iPC can now scan, open and run automated productions with a stack or roll of different jobs, with each given a unique printed barcode that will identify and open the jobs, without operator intervention.’

Arnaud Fabre, Head of Product at Caldera, added: ‘The integration with Kongsberg iPC will allow all our joint users to save time and focus on more creative tasks – adding more value to their products and services. We are proud to be part of our customers’ digital transformation by automating their printing and cutting workflows with class for over 30 years.’

Graphix Supply World
Tel: 27 21 511 5340
Email: marketing@gsw.co.za
Website: http://www.gsw.co.za

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