Kemtek Announces New Laser Marking Solution

Kemtek Announces New Laser Marking Solution

The widinovations widlaser F200, available through Kemtek Imaging Systems, allows users to mark several materials in a single process, with a double point motorised focus to facilitate use. The user-friendly software with powerful tools are suitable for beginners or professionals.

The widlaser F200 has been designed to effectively meet the needs of the laser marking market and is robust, reliable and technologically advanced. Thanks to the intelligent and robust design of the laser machines, their reliability and precision are guaranteed. The machine features a 20W to 100W pulsed fibre laser, while the useful area is 200 x 200mm, height adjustable to 1000mm.

It features a maximum speed of up to 6000mm/sec, up to 2000 DPIS resolution, air cooling, PLT, DXF, AI, BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF etc. file support, Windows software, embedded computer, built-in extraction and network and USB connectivity.

Options include: autofocus, cylindrical object adaptor, rotating carousel, side shift table, and 100 x 100m, 150 x 150 and 275 x 275mm lenses.

Tel: +27 11 624 8000


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