Join The Largest Network Of Women In The Printing And Graphic Communication Industry

Join The Largest Network Of Women In The Printing And Graphic Communication Industry

Girls Who Print has been around for 15 years, and with 11,000 members globally, this community is dedicated to empowering women across all career paths in the industry. Girls Who Print Southern Africa officially launched at the Africa Print and Sign Africa Expo last week, and anyone in the region can join. 

Charnia Yapp, who heads Girls Who Print Southern Africa and is the organiser of the Africa Print and Sign Africa expo, said, ‘The ethos of Girls Who Print resonates deeply, it’s about networking and about empowering women. It’s essential that we support each other, build each other up and drop the negativity. Let’s work together to create opportunities.’

‘This community isn’t about competition, it’s about collaboration. It’s about finding ways for us all to succeed and contribute meaningfully to this industry. It is also not-for-profit. Let’s take this opportunity to create a network that thrives on positivity, mentorship and empowerment. Let’s pave the way for more women to upskill and step into leadership roles, to innovate and to thrive in this dynamic and evolving industry.’

Girls Who Print Southern Africa launched last week at the Sign Africa and Africa Print Expo.

‘Whether in print production, print purchasing, print design, print sales, print marketing, print management, a student of print and design or all of the above, join Girls Who Print’s mission to create professional connections, partnerships and a powerful network of incredible women in the printing and graphic communication industry.’

You can sign up to Girls Who Print Southern Africa here.

Girls Who Print Offerings:

Mentorship programme: sign up to mentor other women in the industry, or sign up to be mentored here.

Register to join the free Girls Who Print Day Conference on 7 November. Sessions will be recorded and sent to all registrants.


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