IPlastics Showcased Cutting/Engraving Solutions And More

IPlastics Showcased Cutting:Engraving Solutions And More

IPlastics exhibited its hardware and consumables at the Sign Africa Expo, which ran from 13-15 September 2023 at Gallagher Convention Centre. 

The company’s Mactech technology was showcased, including the Mactech 1325 and 1390 CO2 laser cutter/engraver solutions, Mactech 2030 CNC router, and Mactech welding machine.

Also at the stand was the RJ-1280 CO2 laser cutter/engraver, Century Star and Fedar MTI 5193E sublimation printers, as well as Contra Vision materials, and various banners.

The event was sponsored by Platinum sponsors Roland DG South Africa and Stixo Signage Supplies.

+27 11 609 0870

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