Hexis Grows Self-Adhesive Film Applicator Network

Hexis Grows Self-Adhesive Film Applicator Network

In January, 25 professionals in the field of self-adhesive film installation from around the world gathered in Dubai for three days.

To go always further in satisfying its customers, HEXIS makes it a point of honour to extend its expertise by deploying its presence through certified media applicators in all countries in order to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding market and strong demand.

Their ‘Mediapplicators’ worked hard to integrate in to the HEXIS HEX’PERT network. Sharing good practices and harmonising learning procedures were the key factors for future HEX’PERTS. Between good vibes, exchanges and synergy between the countries, this gathering had the objective of increasing the network of HEX’PERTS. Thanks to the experienced skills of their certified trainers, the keystone of the transmission of HEXIS know-how, the mission has been accomplished. The company has five new HEXIS certified trainers and six new HEXIS certified installers in its ranks.


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