GSW will host a motivational talk with Miles Hilton-Barber ‘that will change your life and your business’.
Hilton-Barber has been blind since his twenties, but has not let that stop him from challenging barriers. He uses his experiences as an international adventurer to motivate and inspire others to achieve their potential.
As a popular after-dinner and corporate speaker, he weaves together rich anecdotes and humour with powerful life-lessons he has learnt while overcoming his blindness. He reminds his audiences that ‘attitude is what determines altitude’ and that we too can live our dreams, because ‘the only limits in our lives are those we accept ourselves’.
The evening will start off with some drinks and snacks, and then the talk will start promptly at 19h00.
Johannesburg: Tuesday 24 July 2012
Gillooly’s Conference Centre
Boeing Road
Time: 18h00 for 18h30
RSVP to: by 9am, 24 July.
Donations are welcome – all proceeds will go the South African Guide Dogs Association.