Grant Martin: Salesman By Default

Grant Martin- Salesman By Default
Grant Martin: Graphic Communication Specialist.

In the ever-evolving world of print and document tech, Altron Document Solutions stands proud as a leading force, shaping the future of printing across Africa.

At the heart of this success lies a team of dedicated individuals, each bringing their unique expertise and passion to the table.

Among these key members is Graphic Communication Specialist, Grant Martin. We unpack his career journey and discover what motivates and inspires him.

Grant’s career journey started in the motor industry, in the early ’90s, where he began to hone a natural aptitude for sales and sales management that would continue to serve him for years to come.

In 1999, he transitioned to Xerox Concessionaire ‘by default’, he said, after deciding to switch career lanes for a different type of challenge, accepting a job offer in office automation. This move, along with a promotion after just nine months to sales manager, led to Grant being headhunted by Xerox SA to join their Production Systems Group (PSG) Division in 2001 – specifically selling production print equipment and related software, and mainly focusing on graphic communications and the commercial print industry. ‘I was tasked to sell our biggest presses which, at the time, cost in the region of R6 million, and I managed to sell 10 of them.’

You’d think that kind of early track record would ignite a real passion for the industry, but Grant can recall exactly when he first felt it, ‘It came after meeting Anne Mulcahy, then chairperson and CEO of Xerox, when she flew in on the corporation’s private plane (called ‘Xerox One’) to personally come and meet the customers I sold our first two big presses to. Her gesture totally aligned with my own thinking around the value of a customer to your business – to actively and visibly show that you appreciate them – even if it means flying halfway around the world to do so.’

Fast forward 20-some years from that moment and Grant’s current day-to-day duties revolve around key account management, where he uses his deep industry knowledge and sales acumen to focus on the commercial print space, corporate print rooms, as well as the education sector, while also supporting local partners and dealers in production system sales solutions and working on sizeable tenders. ‘Sales is definitely one of the most stressful jobs out there, but the real pay-off is when you see a successful solution you’ve put together for a customer; what they are able to do with it and how it makes a real and lasting difference to their business.’

‘I have toner and ink running in my veins. I find developing relationships with customers rewarding and enjoy the challenge of understanding their requirements, then proposing, implementing and delivering unique solutions to them.’

In terms of the future of print, Grant is optimistic and excited about what he sees: ‘The print industry has changed phenomenally in the time that I’ve been a part of it and it’s simply going to keep evolving. Inkjet is very much the focus now, there’s massive growth in packaging, labelling and using AI from a machine servicing and support perspective, as well as enhanced software and finishing capabilities, such as sensory coating, for example, which adds a tactile element to printed materials to make them more engaging. Almost anything is possible with print today.’

In his downtime, you’ll likely find Grant under the bonnet of a vintage car he’s injecting new life into, ‘I’m a passionate petrolhead and thoroughly enjoy motorsport events. One of my hobbies is restoring classic cars. I have fully restored my own 1959 VW Beetle, Shelly, which took many hours, at night, on weekends and over holidays, and now my wife and I go on Sunday classic drives and those kinds of things. My daughter has a 1963 Beetle and I’m busy with another project with my son – a 1971 Ford Escort.’

What would Grant’s dream restoration project be? ‘I would say an Italian sports car.’

One thing’s for certain – just as the odometer of a car tracks its journey, Grant’s career journey has measured the evolution of the print industry. Each project completed, each challenge overcome, has added another mile to the ride, with him at the wheel.

His unwavering dedication to client satisfaction, his honesty, integrity and ability to navigate the ever-changing landscape of print technology have all solidified his position as a leading figure in the industry.

+27 11 928 9111

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