Global Graphics Announces Mutoh Software Partnership


The Harlequin Host Renderer is a Raster Image Processor, or RIP. A RIP is a tool for converting a page description language such as PostScript or PDF into a format that a printing device can understand. Global Graphics® Software has licenced the Harlequin Host Renderer to Mutoh, the Japanese manufacturer of wide format inkjet printers and sign cutting plotters, in a contract spread over multiple years.

The agreement includes licencing Global Graphics’ new Opal Advanced Inkjet Screens™ to provide high-quality half-tone screening specially developed for inkjet printing. The Harlequin Host Renderer is being integrated into VerteLith™, Mutoh’s RIP software, and will be available to Mutoh customers via a download service from the beginning of November this year, initially for the UV machines VJ-1638UR/UH and XPJ-461/661UF and ultimately for all the major models sold, including the eco-solvent machines.

‘By making extensive use of the Harlequin Host Renderer features,’ said Mutoh’s Norishige Kakuno, Executive Engineer, ‘VerteLith™ delivers advanced features that conventional RIP software does not offer such as avoiding printing jobs incorrectly by displaying a soft proof and ripped image preview, and ink cost calculation before printing.’

‘Additionally, while conventional RIP software mainly targets roll media, VerteLith™ is the new all-in-one RIP software covering most features required for roll media printing as well as integrating a jig layout tool to improve usability for UV flatbed printers. It saves a lot of time and effort by enabling auto-image positioning of the printing material on the flatbed table or auto-page layout on each individual jig slot. The jig layout tool is just one example of the new features being offered to improve customer’s efficiency and to develop new markets.’

With the Harlequin Host Renderer, Mutoh has experienced significantly improved RIP processing times for both PDF and PostScript® files as well as improved accuracy in printing PDF files with live transparency and spot colours. Features such as soft proof were easy to implement with Harlequin’s in-RIP colour management and the ease of use of the Harlequin core technology shortened the development time of new features and functions.

Mutoh expects VerteLith™ to lead to the development of new markets as well as being made available to existing customers. It will drive the VJ-1638UR/UH and the XPJ-461/661UF initially. The VJ-1638UR/UH printer is designed for in-store promotion prints and deco graphics, floor and window graphics, customised structured wallpapers, event banners and exhibition graphics, whereas the XPJ-461/661UF produces added value personalised prints and bespoke small-lot production of commercial and industrial print applications such as printing on phone covers, promotional items, small signs, and small series production or prototyping of packaging samples, or decorative tiles.


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