GCC Introduces Desktop Workstation For Laser Markers

GCC Introduces Desktop Workstation For Laser Markers

GCC LaserPro LFC D is a desktop workstation for laser markers. The industry-level equipment has many advanced features such as an anti-trapping door, key switch, user-level control, pass-through and meets customers’ needs. LFC D is considered a class 1 device to keep operators safe and sound.

Key benefits of GCC LaserPro LFC D workstation:

– Class 1 safety and machine directive (MD) certified for industrial professions that care for operators’ safety during laser processing.
– Standard 700 x 400mm table for medium objects or batch marking.
– Wide range of configurations for automation and applications.
– Removable side panels for long objects.
– Easy set-up and operation.
– Sturdy and rigid steel chassis to meet industrial requirements.
– Compatible with all GCC LaserPro StellarMark C (12W/30W), I, and 3DS series markers.

Gencotech Laser Marking
+27 12 253 1172/3/4
office@gencotech.co.za / nardus@gencotech.co.za

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