Flexa Laminators Increase Productivity For Digital Printing Company


Italy-based Printable purchased a Flexa Formula laminator to improve the lamination finishing process of printed rolls in order to increase its daily production.

Printable, a company focused on small and large format digital printing and rigid media, is part of the Ferrari Promotion S.p.a. Group, which includes five companies specialised in outdoor communication, digital printing, exhibitions and events, large plants and signs.

‘Thanks to the high processing speed of the Flexa laminator, the productivity of Printable laminating its media is greatly increased,’ said the company’s Giorgio Chiodi. The installation at Printable consists of five Formula laminators. ‘With Flexa Formula laminators, we laminate on average 100m/minute at a speed of 20m, when the five laminators work at the same time, we laminate a total surface of 10,000sqm per day.’

This data refers specifically to the roll to roll lamination of floor decals to promote physical distancing in public places to contain the spread of the virus Covid 19. Sale and installation of Formula laminators was made by Italian distributor Euroscreen.

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