Flexa Doming Solution Used For Railway Applications And More


Flexa’s Flexadome is an innovative doming system that gives 3D effect finishing to PVC labels, adhesive media and other traditionally printed materials.

Tiesse srl has managed to become a qualified supplier of RFI (Italian Railway Network) to produce railway signs. ‘Thanks to the Flexadome system, we can make methacrylate plates for the Italian railway network. The plate is personalised by doming the RFI logo, creating a 3D effect and giving the product a touch of elegance and quality’, said Mauro Tummolo, owner of Tiesse srl, Italy.

‘We also produce many domed labels that are applied in industrial and fitness equipment. We find the Flexadome system very innovative, especially with the use of single-component resin. It is always ready to use, does not require any mixing of components and once opened, it can be stored for up to nine months. In addition, the drying time in the oven is very fast, about 10-12 minutes, resulting in a big saving of time and money.’


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