Firefly Unveils Next Generation Display Technology


Firefly’s new Sunrise screen includes unprecedented resolution and graphic quality, with four times as many pixels as typical LED screens. The screen stands as the first and only outdoor media product to use P2 screens with pixels just two millimetres apart rather than the usual four.

Advanced targeting: incorporating the most precise GPS of any Firefly screen, the new screen allows advertisers to target more effectively audiences on a hyper-local block-by-block level.

Powering smart cities: with temperature gauges, accelerometers and air quality sensors, the display can provide key insights into municipal concerns like congestion and road safety, giving local governments and community organisations the information they need to make more informed decisions.

Firefly is proud to continue its work towards powering smart cities. The team designed the screen with social good in mind, integrating the above smart city data sensors to provide insight into urban conditions.

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