Falko One Leaves Beautiful Graffiti Marks On Lonely Walls


After 32 years as a graffiti artist, Falko has played a significant role in the development of South Africa’s graffiti scene by leaving his marks on lonely walls. The artist’s awe-inspiring murals often resemble local wildlife, which also cleverly interacts with various elements of the buildings, such as windows, pipes, or air conditioners.

He started graffiti art in 1988 through his involvement with hip hop in Cape Town. His work projects include Splitpieces, Once upon a town and Mirror on the wall. ‘What inspires me is the song Common People by Pulp. I want what I do to be that song – the relatable commentary on society.’


This is done by taking one image and dividing it into multiple sections. Each section is done in the area ‘different’ to the other. Each section stands alone as an artwork, with its own meaning, in its respective location but once all sections are completed, they are brought together to make one full comprehensive image.

Once upon a town 

This is a project conceptualised in 2010 and was sponsored by British Council and Sportscene but the first town, Darling, was only done in 2011. The idea is to identify towns that can benefit from murals done on their homes and turning them into tourist attractions. 

Mirror on the wall  

Mirror on the Wall is a project that got started by accident and sponsored by the Mustadafin Foundation. Falko discovered a little farming settlement in Philippi one day when he was just wanting to paint something small for himself. The project eventually consumed almost four weeks of his time. Painting the walls through winter was challenging but worth it.


+27 (0) 83 526 5501

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