Expand A Sign Introduce Mobile Electronic Branding Unit


Expand a Sign have launched its mobile electronic branding unit, (MEBU), which is attention-grabbing, portable, easy to operate and allows brands to appear anywhere and at any time.

The unit can stand at malls, office parks and parkades, or alternatively is attachable to vehicles through which branding can be seen at different locations. Its four panel design allows 360 degree visibility.

Solar powered, with a back-up 12V charger, the unit ensures eco-friendliness as well as allowing for live tracking, i.e. real time reporting on where, when and how many times the unit has been active.

MEBU allows users to take control of where brands are seen, ensuring they reach their desired target market, and also features easily interchangeable skins that allow for quick branding updates.

Tel: (+27 11) 466 0304
Email: sales@expandasign.net
Website: http://www.expandasign.co.za

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