Exion Corporation Introduces Solution For Smaller Channel Letter Fabrication


Exion’s V3 aluminium channel letter machine has made making channel letters quick and easy. However, sometimes fabricators are faced with challenges if they make smaller letters or with the inside part of the letters, such as ‘A’, ‘a’, ‘Q’, or ‘e’. Exion’s new Reverse Tong tool solves this problem.

The most difficult part of the letter to bend is the groove, where it fits the polycarbonate sheet or ACM sheet. The Reverse Tong tool makes fabricating a great deal easier because you simply just need to cut the groove part. It is almost like using a nail clipper. The tool is patented in Korea, and worth the investment as it saves fabrication time and gives the letter a good finish.

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Tel: +27 11 464 5053
Email: sales@exion.co.za
Contact Person: Jay Kim
Website: http://www.exion.co.za


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