Exion Corporation Announces New Line Of Revolving LED Signs


This smooth and elegant revolving sign comes with addressable LED lights that you can control from the convenience of your smartphone, giving your venue the edge. These products are suited for high-end stores, franchises or restaurants looking to add a unique visual element to their retail space to draw attention and crowds, who will share it on social media.

The product line is the result of a collaboration with a Korean company. The parts are from Korea, assembled in South Africa, giving you the freedom to create your ideal revolving LED signs. All components have been modified to meet the South African electrical standards, ensuring a longer lifespan for your sign.

According to managing director Jay Kim, moving signs attract three times more attention than static signs. ‘My mentor told me about how British Rail signed a contract for thousands of revolving, backlit A0 poster display signs. As trailblazers, they found out that movement means more attention, which means more customers. Since then, brands around the world have used moving signs to get attention in the signage industry.’

Tel: +27 11 464 5053
Email: sales@exion.co.za
Contact Person: Jay Kim
Website: http://www.exion.co.za


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