Enfocus Showcasing Software Solutions

Enfocus Showcasing Software Solutions

Enfocus will be exhibiting its range of software solutions, including PitStop Pro, Switch and more.

Enfocus recently rolled out a series of large updates for several of its software solutions, including a 2022 update to mark the 25th anniversary of its flagship preflight software PitStop Pro. These updates, which include a range of bleed improvements, new preflight profiles, and a range of other enhancements, are expected to draw heightened interest from attendees working across the print sector.

The software developer will showcase its solutions at the Printing United Expo. Piet De Pauw, Head of Marketing at Enfocus, said, ‘We pride ourselves on making software that lets printers do things their way. So, to celebrate our iconic host venue, we’ll be exhibiting in the Sin City way with a casino-themed booth – but visitors won’t be gambling when they visit us, because automation always wins.’

De Pauw added, ‘Getting print jobs through from customers can feel like a roll of the dice in our industry. If you’re lucky, the job will fly through preflighting, but there is every chance the file will go bust with common errors like missing bleed or incorrect colour modes. Our suite of automation software ensures printers always hold all the cards.’


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