Enfocus Releases Pitstop Versions For Increased Automation Possibilities


According to Andrew Bailes-Collings, Senior Product Manager, Enfocus, PitStop Pro and PitStop Server 2020 will include a long list of new features and improvements. The feature set offers new automation possibilities, and has new tools for working with vector graphics.

‘Customer feedback has driven many of these advancements. The extensive list will be revealed as the release date approaches. Enfocus works tirelessly to keep PitStop in its position as a must-have for print service providers. Give prepress 20/20 vision with PitStop 2020,’ said Bailes-Collings.

Among the highlights is a new breakthrough patent pending Enfocus technology that uses Computer Vision techniques. This enables PitStop Pro and Server to ‘see’ the visual content of a PDF file. What that means is, PitStop will be able to look for images, and graphical shapes such as logos to check if they are present or absent in a PDF file. The technology can even flag cropped or partial images that may occur in the file, and has options for size and rotation. This new technology has special value when files have particular legal or design restrictions such as a corporate identity or compliance rules.

Also new in PitStop 2020 is the ability to trace raster elements to create a vector shape. Customers will find it valuable when creating varnishes, underprints or digital cutting paths. PitStop 2020 will be able to overlay and merge one PDF document onto another to make a single document, while using variables for placement, resizing and opacity options.

Find and replace text is being added as an Action List feature in PitStop 2020. As one of the features that customers requested most, it will allow users to automate search and replace text operations using variables in PitStop Pro and PitStop Server. A totally new check for bleed is also a major improvement as it works using a page-based approach as opposed to an object-based technology used in older versions. Additionally, adding copied graphics and adding pages will be able to be accomplished using variables that greatly increase the automation possibilities in PitStop Server, especially when used in a Switch environment.

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