Enfocus Releases New Workflow Automation Package For Wide Format Print Sector

Enfocus Releases New Workflow Automation Package Specifically For Wide-Format Print Sector

The new ‘Invest small, print big’ package comprises the Enfocus’s automation software, Switch, which the company has further adapted to integrate with existing workflows in the wide format sector, providing significant value-adding gains for printer and brand customers.

Davy Verstaen, Switch Product Manager at Enfocus commented, ‘At Enfocus, we understand the unique challenges of the wide format industry and, as ever, we look to deliver software solutions that make a real difference. Therefore, we have created this new package, which is tailored perfectly to the needs of the wide format sector. Our Switch-based solution enables printers to make people, processes and equipment more efficient and effective, increasing profitability and gaining competitive advantage.

The adapted Switch solution is a workflow automation platform that connects MIS, proofing, web-to-print, PDF preflighting, customer approval and production preparation processes. This enables printers to create a fully automated process for their print applications and devices to save time and costs, ultimately driving greater value through the entire value chain.

Verstaen added, ‘We have adapted this solution for wide format printers to provide a financially, technically and operationally attractive solution that enables them to compete, succeed and grow in their market. The package gives them an additional layer of support through simple automation. We set out to prove that a high-speed digital workflow doesn’t need to be overly complex, it can be made simple.’

‘Removing repetitive and manual tasks and visualising workload comes from a data-driven workflow. Having the ability to build a solution that connects everything and remains scalable is exactly what Enfocus Switch is designed to do.’


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