Enfocus Celebrates 25th Anniversary With Preflighting And PDF Editing Software

Enfocus Celebrates 25th Anniversary With Preflighting And PDF Editing Software

Fully interactive, PitStop Pro is a comprehensive PDF tool for prepress that preflights and edits files ready for print and automatically fixes any errors to make the prepress process more efficient. The validation tool enables printers to overcome preflighting, editing, repair and reporting challenges to streamline operations.

The first update to the software in 2022 coincides with the company’s 25th year in operation and sees the company incorporate support for PDF 2.0, alongside improvements in adding bleeds on a contour to print-ready files.

‘Pitstop is an industry-leading PDF preflighting software. It remains in that position after 25 years because we continuously ensure it is up to date with all the latest benefits to meet all our customers’ needs,’ said John Dean, PitStop Product Manager at Enfocus.

The latest PitStop version is designed to work effectively with the latest Adobe updates and ensures customers can now remain efficient across their prepress processes with the bleed addition to contours.


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