Enfocus Announces New Releases For Improved Workflows

Enfocus Announces New Releases For Improved Workflows

Enfocus has announced new workflow releases that include the improvement of major bleed as well as actions for certain jobs and other PDF production relevant additions.

With the release of PitStop Pro 2021, PitStop Server 2021 and PitStop Library SDK 2021,  Enfocus has listened to their customers and developed major new PDF editing and quality control features.

Major bleed improvements

PitStop 2021 will allow users to check, clip and create bleed along a vector contour. This will make quick prepress work of PDF files with dielines or digital cutlines.

‘We made a huge leap forward with the way we’re adding bleed to line-art. We no longer mirror content, we now extend the actual line-art. This is what an operator would do when manually editing a path. Now it’s an Action,’ said Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager

Booklet imposition

Booklet imposition is coming in PitStop 2021. PitStop has had a standard action for breaking apart spreads. Now, there will be an action for creating printer or reader spreads.

Other PDF production relevant additions to PitStop include:

– Align and Distribute Objects Action: this was previously a manual action, which now can be automated.
– Consolidate Fonts Action: fixes multiple font subsets to improve output performance.
– Flatten Type 3 Fonts Action: converts Type 3 fonts to normal page content.
– Separate Stroke and Fill Action: splits the stroke and fill of an object into two new objects.
– Add Hems and Pockets Action: mirrors page content based on trim and bleed, which will come in handy for large format production.


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