Enfocus has restructured its Switch product line, making it easier for customers to immediately get faster, higher quality turnaround from their existing systems workflows. Now, instead of choosing between three versions of Enfocus Switch (Light, Full, and Power), customers can completely customise Switch according to their unique needs. The company will showcase the newly-restructured line at drupa 2012.

The difference begins with a new, multi-purpose Switch Core Engine that not only serves as the necessary foundation for all Switch operations, but is now itself an automation solution for the most common, time-consuming tasks faced daily by all publishing production companies.

Eight additional modules cover the market’s most in-demand functions for intelligent connectivity with existing or new prepress, database and other applications. These are the Configurator, Metadata, Database, Scripting, SwitchClient, Web Services, Performance and SwitchProxy modules. More modules may be developed by Enfocus on an as-needed basis; and customers have the option of using the Scripting module for development of specific integration needs.

Switch Core Engine enables powerful file management such as sorting, routing and tracking of files. Every company is confronted with these kinds of tasks on a daily basis. Automation gives them the ability to reduce errors and standardize procedures, which will reduce costs. The Switch Core Engine also enables PDF-specific handling like split and merge PDF files. To lift your workflow to an intelligent level, Switch enables you to use the information already available in jobs to make routing decisions for example based on file naming conventions, the number of pages or colours, etc.

The company’s customer research shows that over 50% of Enfocus product users would purchase Switch for these primary operations, only.

When a business is ready and able to start automating more complex operations, Enfocus offers a whole range of modules:

Configurator Module:
Enables integration, control and automation of the most popular third party, Enfocus Crossroads partner, applications in the graphical industry. Building solutions for preflight, imposition, colour management and many more is a breeze with those ready to use configurators. You are able to use the tools you are already using or you can choose the tools that suits your needs best.
For those with specific needs, Switch offers the necessary tools to integrate in a very effective way, through hot folders, CLI or scripting.

Database Module:
The Database module for Switch automates the communication between a database application and Switch. Scripting is no longer required, making it easier and faster for customers and integrators to build communication paths between Switch and an MIS or any database.

This module makes database integration accessible to more integrators and customers by allowing them to:
– Use values from a database wherever Switch can use variables.
– Read, write, update and delete info in databases whenever a job passes the new ‘Database connector’ flow element.
– Visualise content straight from a database in SwitchClient and PitStop Connect.

Metadata Module:
Much like the database module, this module enhances workflow intelligence by using existing information stored in XML or JDF tickets or as XMP data. You can use metadata wherever Switch uses variables, for example to route files or process jobs dynamically. You can also update or add information in XMP packages and visualise variable content in SwitchClient and PitStop Connect.

By reusing this information, Switch enables you to get the most out of previous investments and personalize your service to customers

Scripting Module:
Enables Switch to take advantage of custom-developed Visual Basic Scripts, Java Scripts or AppleScripts. A separate SwitchScripter application is provided to assist the user in the development and debugging of scripts. This module literally makes the sky the limit as it gives you to freedom to completely customise your workflow to your needs.

Performance Module:
To boost performance of the Switch Core Engine and get the ultimate processing power out of advanced hardware configurations, with multiple processors and high amounts of RAM memory, you can extend the number of processes that Switch is executing simultaneously.

Stand-Alone Functionality and Communication Modules:

SwitchClient Module:
SwitchClient Module is a separate desktop application that is used to submit jobs into Switch flows, and is used to interact with jobs where required.

The SwitchClient Module comes with five SwitchClient licenses, enabling five separate SwitchClients to run and access Switch simultaneously. Additional clients can be purchased.

Switch Web Services Module:
This module enables third party applications such as web portals to integrate and drive Switch. You can improve customer service by allowing your customers to submit files straight from a familiar environment like your company website. It enables them to track and approve jobs directly in Switch without having to leave the comfort zone of your company website.

SwitchProxy module:
Users and their IT departments can count on extra peace of mind through SwitchProxy. This proxy server ensures network security and business continuity: clients can always deliver data to your company’s server even while it is being maintained or updated.