EFI Announce Signed Escada Profile Agreement 

EFI announce signed Escada Profile agreement.

EFI has announced a recently signed an agreement with Poland based Dunapack Packaging for the addition of an EFI Escada Profile – a closed-loop process control system. The motivation behind the signed agreement was for Dunpack to enhance their corrugated control capabilities.

‘We have been using Escada Syncro 7 wet and dry-end control on our corrugator for several years, and having consulted with EFI about additional options that could help us in our continuous pursuit of quality, we decided Escada Profile would be the perfect solution for us,’ said Jakub Wojtko, production director at Dunapack Packaging’s Eurobox Polska Sp. z o.o. operations. ‘We believe EFI Escada is the best choice for having an integrated closed loop corrugator control system that I hope will bring us many advantages such as increased quality due to higher run speeds. With these advantages, we expect to save money and further delight our customers with improved and reproducible product quality.’

‘Adding Escada Clarity as well for enhanced reporting will help us focus on the relevant areas in production that we need to improve and optimise. The continual investment we make in our machinery and capabilities are what will help us achieve our goals for growth in the future. Keeping our customers happy with improved product quality will be an important step to help us achieve that,’ said Wojtko.

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