Eco-Signage Supplies Announces Textile Framing System And More

Eco-Signage Supplies Announces Textile Framing System And More
Textile framing system

The textile framing system is like a textile box, and is put together with connectors. No welding or sewing is required, just hemming tape. It is backlit and features easy portability.

Also new is the vehicle wrapping toolkit. It contains specialised tools for the application and removal of vinyl and features over a dozen instruments in different colours.

Hemming tape
Vehicle wrapping toolkit

With the new interior one-way vision substrate/film, users can print on the face of the film, then apply the film on the inside of a window. It is weather-resistant, vandal-proof and ensures safety and security for buildings due to its one-way vision properties.

One-way vision substrate/film
+27 11 791 0386
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