Dupont Releases Ultra Violet Polyester Films


The several super clear Ultra Violet (UV) stable polyester films are designed to retain mechanical and optical properties in applications involving UV exposure.

These films are specifically designed to block UV transmission, and they are the most recent additions to the MELINEX TCH family of low haze and low oligomer bloom films that are designed for the flexible electronics, displays, photovoltaic, lighting and label markets.

‘There is a perception that polyester films quickly degrade due to sunlight UV exposure, thus limiting the end use applications for clear polyester films,’ said Scott Gordon, business development manager, DuPont Teijin Films. ‘Also, there are double-sided substrate photo patterning applications where the UV transmission for side A patterning must be blocked from simultaneously patterning side B. These new MELINEX TCHUV films will provide our customers with cost-effective substrate solutions that are ideal for a wide variety of UV light sensitive applications.’

Bi-axially oriented, semi-crystalline polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films have many desirable properties for a wide range of applications, including dimensional stability, chemical resistance, tensile strength and electrical insulation. Standard PET polyester films transmit light above approximately 315nm wavelength, however, extended UV exposure can lead to changes in optical and mechanical properties such as colour and film brittleness. Using proprietary UV stabiliser technology from DuPont Teijin Films, the clear MELINEX TCHUV films move the transmittance cut-off to about 375nm while enabling the PET film to retain mechanical and optical properties after accelerated UV aging.



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