Drytac Self-Adhesive Vinyl Floor Graphics Used In University Project

Drytac Self-Adhesive Vinyl Floor Graphics Used In University Project

California-based print service provider Classic Litho and Design used Drytac Polar Grip self-adhesive vinyl to complete major a social distancing project for the University of Southern California (USC).

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, USC was required to put in place a range of measures to help protect students and staff, including the installation of floor graphics across its sites to promote social distancing.

The USC contacted Classic Litho and Design to assist with the project, which, in total, required the production of approximately 11,000 floor decals for installation across the USC campus.

Initially, the company’s large format department printed 3000 outdoor floor graphics on Drytac Polar Grip white polymeric self-adhesive vinyl. With a high-bond adhesive, it has been developed for graphic applications where flexibility and strong adhesion are required, and can be permanently applied to almost any surface, including metal, plastic, wood, glass, brick and more.

Ray Rodriguez, large format manager at Classic Litho and Design, explained that the main reason for selecting Drytac Polar Grip was that the material offered the most reliability for outdoor graphics.

Drytac Self-Adhesive Vinyl Floor Graphics Used In University Project

‘I did a lot of research trying to find the longest-lasting and most durable outdoor vinyl, and it became clear that the solution was Drytac Polar Grip with Interlam Pro Emerytex overlaminating film. As well as being economically priced, it was also the only outdoor solution with a 12-month guarantee.’

The work with Drytac Polar Grip did not stop there though, as Rodriguez explained. After speaking with USC about failing indoor and outdoor floor graphics printed on another vendor’s media, Polar Grip was again deployed.

‘I recommended Polar Grip for some replacement indoor carpet signage right away, so that was an easy fix. Then I heard that some of the outdoor floor graphics printed on other vendors’ materials had also failed. To compare, I went to check an outdoor graphic that was still firmly in place and – having aggressively tried and failed to remove it – noted it was printed on Drytac Polar Grip. On that basis, a second order of floor graphics printed on Polar Grip was almost immediately requested.

Drytac Self-Adhesive Vinyl Floor Graphics Used In University Project

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