DP Lenticular Launches Motion 20 LPI UV-LF


Motion 20 LPI UV-LF is designed for large format motion images such as zoom, morphing and a variety of animation pictures. It is ideal for outdoor uses such as bus shelters as well as indoor applications in airports, underground and railway stations.

Motion 20 LPI UV-LF has a wide viewing angle of 54 degrees and a thickness of 1.95mm. It is suitable for the production of animation lenticular images on digital printers and flatbed printers direct to the lens or via lamination. It can be finished on an automatic cutting table, manual cutting machine or a flatbed laser plotter.

The latest portfolio addition joins DP Lenticular’s 3D 20 LPI UV-LF and 3D 28 LPI UV-MF. The animation lens has been extruded with a specially developed UV protection resin to preserve colours when used in outdoor conditions. It eliminates any yellowing of the plastic for many years.

The resin has also been fire tested to ensure it is within the regular norms for indoor use. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications aiding consistency and flexibility of use.

DP Lenticular’s founder and managing director Daniel Pierret commented, ‘This is a great new lens design created to support a broader range of high quality end uses. Many things have improved since we initiated the development of the new 3D 20 LPI UV-LF lens. With our production partners, we have built a wealth of experience in the extrusion of large format lenticular materials.’

DPL’s Motion 20 LPI UV-LF lenticular sheet is 122 x 180cm. Uniquely, each sheet is individually inspected from top to bottom for quality control to ensure any deviation is within strict tolerances.

DP LENTICULAR www.dplenticular.com

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