Digital Sign Technologies Announces New Print Head Cleaning Machine


Digital Sign Technologies has designed a fully automated, mobile-app controlled print head cleaning machine for the wide format printing market. Print Head Doctor 11 cleans print heads automatically through a remote control mobile app. 

It will show real-time diagnostics with a software created by Digital Sign Technologies, with custom cleaning cycles that can be controlled through smart phones.

Specifications include:
– More intuitive controls on the machine.
– Re-designed recovery cycles with more flexible control.
– Mobile app to control PHD11 from your Android device via bluetooth.
– Custom cleaning cycles capability.
– Self-diagnostics (via graph).
– Remote control of all machine functions.

All of the above are also included in Print Head Doctor 12 and 13. The advanced machine can fully recover clogged and damaged printheads. For small business owners and printing manufacturers, this can save them money by preventing clogged printheads. It also reduces costs associated with sending out print heads to be fixed, as well as for flushing solutions, maintenance fees and replacement fees. 

The more advanced model, the Print Head Doctor 12, is equipped with an automatic pressure control with a digital pressure readout and a fluid temperature control. It creates higher flow and higher pressure, allowing to clean more than one printhead at once with better efficiency.

And finally, the most advanced machine is the Print Head Doctor 13; it includes all features of model 12 plus the capability of automatically switching the fluid flow direction in all four of its outputs. Without changing a printhead setup, this machine can do all the variety of cleaning cycles in a fully autonomous mode. It’s designed for the most advanced users looking to recover large volumes of print heads with minimal operator intervention.

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