Creating Effective Content For Touchscreen Kiosks


Qwick Media has shared steps for the successful deployment of touchscreen kiosks. These include visual stimulation, content stimulation, effective interaction and following the numbers.

Self-service kiosks offer a great opportunity to engage directly with users through interactive or static content. Configuring each touchscreen kiosk to offer targeted content will give customers access to high-value information and also promote businesses and brands.

Visual stimulation

Public self-serve kiosks are meant to offer information to a wide range of users. These kiosks should be focused enough to relate to almost every individual. This is difficult but one effective solution is to use the visual appeal of pictures, videos, colours and targeted content. People make quick decisions based on seeing something that relates to them, such as an appealing picture or video. Once the user is drawn in, you can push your targeted content to keep them interested and engaged.

Content stimulation

Being appealing to the users is key in keeping them engaged and will give them a reason to use the touchscreen kiosk repeatedly. Having relevant content and information that is up-to-date will allow the user to acquire data promptly. Content at one kiosk location may not be as effective at another. Analytics are used to take real-time data tracking and transform the content on that kiosk to fit the needs of the audience. Giving users a reason to use the kiosk repeatedly is integral in building a successful network. Usage of the kiosk will give analytics in building successful interactions for the future.

Effective interaction

Users want to feel a sense of completion once finished using the touchscreen kiosk. Allow users to email themselves directions to a restaurant, pay a bill, print a coupon or even find the store they are looking for. This type of interaction will garner future use and leave them with a positive experience.

Without providing a reason to use the kiosk the next time, the project will be destined for failure. Using the analytics engine and seeing what areas of the application are being used will allow catering the kiosk to function at peak efficiency.

Following the numbers

Many projects fail because the touchscreen kiosks aren’t built to target the area they are in or the users. Analytics are designed to keep the guesswork out and to build a kiosk network that drives users to the self-service kiosks instead of alternative solutions.

The easiest solution is to normalise the kiosk applications by tracking what is being used and what is not being used. Then build your solution around the filtered content to maximise efficiency in usage. This provides an optimised solution to keep users engaged and coming back to use the kiosk.

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