The specially formulated agents are effective in hard water and exhibit excellent chelation properties at a wide range of pH.
Applicable in pre-treatment, dyeing and printing processes like desizing, bleaching, dyeing and printing, both the agents prevent the corrosion of the metal parts of garments. Sequest SA (Sequestering Agent) is a highly efficient eco-friendly high temperature stable sequestering agent for Ca++, FE+++ and other heavy metals; Sequest DM (Demineralising Agent) is a high performance demineralising agent to remove heavy metal ions from cotton and processed water.
Demineralising agents usually form complexes of coordination compounds by reaction of their negatively charged donor groups with polyvalent metal ions like iron present on the greige fabric and in process water which will enhance the final whiteness index, whereas sequestering agents usually form complexes or coordination compounds by reaction of their negatively charged donor groups with polyvalent metal ions such as iron, calcium, copper and magnesium.
0.2-1.0% dose for exhaust application and 2-5gpl for continuous application are the recommended dosages of both Sequest SA and Sequest DM.