Contra Vision Showcasing Films In Berlin

Contra Vision Showcasing Films In Berlin

Contra Vision will showcase its latest innovations such as Contra Vision HD and its Dual-Colour Signage Perforated Films.

Contra Vision HD can be used anywhere that standard perforated window film is used, as well as in thousands of places previously not considered. The refined texture and superior appearance will amaze anyone who ever questioned the image quality of perforated window films.

These include Performance HD White on Black for exterior application, Performance HD Clear for interior application and Performance HD Translucent White for 24/7 graphics with extra ‘pop’.

The company’s dual-colour perforated films allow for internally illuminated channel letters, signs and displays to be transformed at night. Performance Black in 20% transparency is a black on black perforated film intended for the production of dual-colour backlit signage. Alternatively by using Performance White on Black in 20% transparency, backlit signage can appear white or coloured in the day and white or differently coloured at night. These solutions are being showcased at FESPA 2022.

Tel: +27 11 789 1222

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