Contra Vision Exhibited Perforated Films For Signage

Contra Vision Exhibited Perforated Films

Contra Vision exhibited its Black Perforated Film for dual-colour backlit signage. This film is applied to the outside surface of the built-up channel letters and during the day, when it is not backlit, the sign appears black. When the sign is backlit at night, it takes on the colour of the translucent sign face used.

The company recommend this product for use on medium-term, large-scale backlit external signage where close viewing is not required. It was recently showcased at the FESPA Global Print Expo 2022.

Dual-colour was also exhibited as well as the exclusive HD range of perforated window films. These films feature 1mm diameter holes, which are 60% smaller in area than standard one-way vision products. This break-through micro perforated window film featuring the world’s smallest-ever perforations, delivers minimal disruption to the graphics, produces stunning images to one side and from the other the smoothest see-through.


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