Colourant Technology Dictates Printer Performance


Sensient Imaging Technology discusses colourant technology, outlining why the best choice is so important, especially in the evolving era of digital printing technology.

According to the company, as digital printing technology continues to advance, textile businesses are increasingly seeing the benefits of digital inkjet. In fact, the adoption of digital printing technologies was estimated at 6% of all printed textiles at the end of last year, accounting for 2.6 billion square metres of printed fabric.

This growth in digital printing is exciting, as businesses can use this new technology to produce vibrant, consistent and more sustainable colour. However, there is a critical choice for these businesses to make before they can print, and that is the selection of the colourant. The colourant technology picked dictates both the production and end-user performance, so it’s crucial for businesses to make the correct decision. Indeed, selecting the right colourant can be the difference between a business’ profit and loss.

Choosing the right colourant technology for your business is usually decided based on the selected fabric as some colourants are limited in use regarding what fabrics they can print on. Other technical considerations include shade, purity, solubility, temperature stability and water fastness, as well as the regulatory and compliance aspects. Whether you’re looking at reactive dyes, acid dyes, disperse dyes or pigments, the choice of colourant technology will ultimately dictate your print performance and impact business results.

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