The company is presenting ??a variety of innovative and exciting new solutions at the expo in Barcelona, including Productionserver 7 (including Adobe PDF Print Engine 2.6), Filmgate 7, CG Inkjet Printbox, CG Simpose software, 1-Bit-TIFF-Input Module, In-RIP-Trapping Module, new Web to Print online shop solution Webgate as well as Color Server and preflight solution cFlow.
The company is presenting the following:
The universal Productionserver 7 (PS7) RIP software family, PS7 Campaign Printing X: ColorGATE introduces the ultimate RIP software for highest demands made on colour-consistent campaign printing in mixed high-end production on the basis of international colour standards; including Adobe PDF Print Engine 2.6 (APPE 2.6) and the innovative Ink Saver, which reduces ink consumption up to 30% without any visible losses in quality. In addition, spectacular metallic effects are to admire.
Further ColorGATE Productionserver 7 highlights are PS7 X-Line and PS7 Flex-Line. Applying new Output Management Sets, PS7 Flex-Line products are extremely flexible and can be configured according to individual requirements. PS7 X-Line products are particularly characterised by the integrated Adobe PDF Print Engine 2.6 (APPE 2.6), that ensures an end-to-end, automated PDF workflow for digital, offset and packaging printing.
Solutions for Prepress:
-RIP software Filmgate 7, which is for chemical-free film production in high-end quality including the new screening technology.
-High-performance computer to plate (CtP) solution CG Inkjet Printbox for chemical-free printing plate production with inkjet printer (inkjet to plate).
CG Simpose is ColorGATE’s new impositioning software (MAC/PC) for native sheet assembly, i.e. without any changes in the database so that sheets are printed and folded to fit the page numbers in the correct order. CG Simpose has no limitations regarding output format, printer’s imprint, sheet templates, optimal alignment of elements on a sheet (gang-run printing), and provides a wide range of functions, serving the most diverse requirements.
The new ColorGATE In-RIP Trapping Module ensures that there are no flashes due to registration errors at the boundary lines of image elements, which should not be visible, when printing image elements of different colours sequentially on a printed sheet in multi-colour printing. Usually this happens because of mechanical inaccuracies of the printing system. In order to counter these misalignments, trapping enables overprinting or under-filling of adjacent image elements. Next to offset printing, especially for screen and packaging, printing trapping is an important feature.
Soon available with version 7.10, the 1-Bit-TIFF-Input Module will mainly appeal to customers in packaging printing but will also address other areas. Since misprints in complex printing plate production are more expensive the later they are discovered, the module enables accurate proofing of screening characteristics even before plate production. In addition, it is possible to de-screen 1-Bit-TIFF-data, to achieve very accurate colour proofs and to avoid colour shifts and moiré. To enable the 1-Bit-TIFF processing, Productionserver 7 can be extended with the optional module which processes the data output on any supported digital printer.
CG Web to Print Webgate Edition
This is the fast, cost-efficient and simple entry into eBusiness for LFP print service provider. Joomla! and JoomShopping-technology based Webgate edition is the new B2C-version of ColorGATE’s successful Web to Print online shop solutions. It will demonstrate versatile opportunities of Webgate edition live on the trade show.
The new powerful CG Web to Print (W2P) Webgate Edition of ColorGATE enables a fast, cost-efficient and very simple entry into B2C online business for large and wide format printing service providers. Joomla! and JoomShopping-technology-based Webgate online shop is easy to administrate and provides a broad range of products including banners, displays, roll-ups, pop-ups, framed canvas prints etc. Outstanding highlights are the integrated SEO support and standard connection to Fotolia image database. Once purchased, there are no further costs for Webgate Edition (except the ongoing costs for hosting the online shop), making it possible to easily calculate the payback period even before investment.
Like any other CG Web to Print solution of ColorGATE, Webgate offers:
– High cost efficiency and time savings due to automated production processes and simple commercial processes.
– Attractive choice of presentation options for the product portfolio.
– Optimally customizable to the own corporate design.
– Tailored production according to customer requirements (customizable size of edition).
– High level of personalization and individualization for quotations and production.
– Webgate can be extended by versatile additional modules, e.g. Walldesigner for wall papers, export for MIS systems via CSV or XML, function for optimal alignment of business cards, catalogues etc.), and integrates seamlessly with Productionserver 7.
Both the front-end and the back-end of Webgate have a well-arranged, intuitive, Flash-based user interface. The front-end provides professional design tools including a broad range of tools for sophisticated and attractive designs and layouts (image and text elements, vector graphics/clip arts). Via a gradual approach, customers are guided through the design and ordering process and can see online in advance, how the finished product will look like. A 5-star display informs customers about the print quality and if it is adequate for printing. The standard connection to Fotolia image database provides a large number of images, but also own final print data can be uploaded easily.