Clear Solutions Installs 70th Handtop Model

Clear Solutions installs 70th Handtop model.

Clear Solutions (CLS) is pleased to report the installation of its 70th Handtop model.

Printing on our 70th Handtop machine with led lamps and a total new printhead configuration. A first of its kind in Africa a big thank you to Xanita for having the confidence in our Handtop machine.

Posted by Clear Solutions on Wednesday, 23 May 2018

The model, an HT3116 DS Kyocera flatbed (3.1 x 1.6m) fitted with a magnetic carriage rail, Kyocera print heads and LED lamps, was sold to Xanita.

CLS managing director Gavin Petersen said that the machine is the first of its kind in Africa. ‘Thanks to Xanita for their confidence in our Handtop machine. Well done to my team and my clients for the continuous support, thank you so much.’

Xanita’s James Beattie attributed the choice of the machine to its print bed size, as well as its direct to media high resolution output.

‘The machine will most certainly open up new markets for us,’ said Beattie, ‘including those of shopfitting from bulkheads, drop down ceilings, wall claddings and murals, as well as expo/events applications.’

Beattie also praised the technology, speed and back-up service from Clear Solutions and Handtop, citing Peterson as one of the most knowledgable people in the South African printing industry.

CLEAR SOLUTIONS (+27 21) 913 0829


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