Callas Software Releases New File Converter For Printing Industry

Callas Software Releases New File Converter For Printing Industry

PdfaPilot converts files to PDF/X-6 for the printing industry and PDF/A-4 for long-term archiving. Callas software has released version 10.2 of its pdfaPilot product line.

This major update offers support for the just-released 64-bit version of Adobe Acrobat for Windows. It lets users convert files to both PDF/A and PDF/X simultaneously and take advantage of improvements to PDF/A conversion for fillable forms. PdfaPilot can also take specific actions based on the existence or content of given metadata fields and its desktop version is now easier than ever to use thanks to a range of improvements.

‘More and more of our customers are looking to include multiple standards in a single PDF. With the latest amendment to these standards, PDF/X-6 and PDF/A-4 are now largely identical,’ said Dietrich von Seggern, Managing Director at callas software GmbH. ‘This makes it easier for files to comply with both standards simultaneously. However, any organisations that have not yet adopted the latest version of these standards can continue to use PDF/X-4 and PDF/A-2.’

Since the introduction of a graphical workflow editor in pdfaPilot 9, users have been able to automate PDF-based processes and create even complex workflows with ease. In PdfaPilot 10.2, callas software has now focused on inspecting PDF metadata within a process plan. Depending on the value of a given metadata field or fields, specific actions can be triggered – whether by the metadata of the document as a whole, or of a single object within it.

Creating PDF forms has become much easier in recent years, which has resulted in them seeing much broader use. To handle these forms, organisations may use standard editors or bespoke solutions that take into account various industry-specific requirements. ‘Since people have tended to assume that PDF/A conversion only makes sense for completed forms, this use case was not covered particularly well by past forms of the PDF/A standard,’ said von Seggern.

‘Practical experience has shown, however, that there is a demand for this kind of functionality and that automatic conversion requires special procedures in order to avoid certain issues that would otherwise come up regularly. In pdfaPilot 10.2, we have integrated several new features to make this process easier and to offer a more complete functionality.’


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