This new update for CalderaRIP Version 14 brings two additional features. Firstly, it is now possible to automatically rotate jobs to fit width and height when cutting with a Tekcel OptiCam device.
In addition, Caldera’s Print Standard Verifier module has been updated and now includes FOGRA Print Standard Digital 2018 rules and values. Caldera’s Print Standard Verifier carries out conformity checks of the printing process with respect of the industry colour standards (FOGRA, G7 and ISO). This optional module ensures users meet international standards for colour consistency.
In order to help Caldera users streamline their production workflow, this new update provides numerous bug fixes to save time in day-to-day operations. The complete list of bug fixes included in CalderaRIP Update 201117 is available on Caldera Workspace and Caldera HelpDesk.
This new update continues to expand the award-winning software’s abilities to further enhance the user experience. Arnaud Fabre, Product Manager at Caldera said, ‘Caldera wants to support customers’ day-to-day operations by delivering enhancements to their cutting capabilities, allowing them to save time and media while producing social-distancing signs.’
Update 201117 adds another exclusive feature for CalderaCare. Users with a subscription to Caldera’s support and maintenance solution now benefit from an increased range of Cut Contours offsets (previously [-10mm, +10mm], now [-100mm, +100mm]). This improvement will help Caldera users better manage the cutting on shrinking textiles.