Caldera Announces Calderadock Update

Caldera Announces Calderadock Update

With the 2.1 update, CalderaDock provides a simple interface to easily mount and manage remote file directories on Linux OS. This feature is especially useful when a large format printer has a controller from which users need to access their print files. Since Linux does not always have a graphical interface for mounting remote directories, MountTool allows Caldera users to set up an efficient workflow easily.

CalderaDock allows users to manage the licences and installation of all their Caldera solutions. The application also provides a number of tools and resources to help users in their daily operations, such as backup tools, driver and profile downloads, access to demo files, etc.

CalderaDock 2.1 features new tools for Linux users (Debian and Ubuntu). Linux users will now be able to take advantage of new utilities directly in CalderaDock: Caldera Webserver, for an easier use of CostView and JobTracker; Desktop Icons, to add Caldera shortcuts to a desktop; and VNC Server, to facilitate VNC connections from a remote computer.

Numerous improvements have been made to enhance the user experience. Users can now quickly access CalderaDock thanks to the new tray icon in their menu bar (located at the top or bottom of the screen, depending on the operating system).

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