Batbola Improves Output Capacity With ONYX Thrive

Batbola improves output capacity with Onyx Thrive.

Wide format and dye-sublimation industry veteran Batbola is renowned as a provider of sports uniforms for all sport modalities in Brazil. The company has improved its output capacity with ONYX Thrive.’

‘We had to find a solution that works for all our printing needs, especially textile that gives the kind of colour our customers expect and colour that doesn’t change over time,’ said owner Alexandre Ferri.

‘ONYX Thrive gave us the tools to prove our colour output to our customers with ColorCheck. Our files were of better quality in ONYX and we still saved ink even with more saturation. We also get to RIP more files faster than ever before, use Swatch Books for specialty named colours, which cuts down our production time, and the fact we can edit jobs from within ONYX instead of using a design software means we saved even more time, improving our output capacity to take on more clients.’

Another big factor for us was access of support. Onyx has support right here in Brazil and in our native language. They were fast to help us implement our system and optimise our production which was very practical.’


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