Antalis South Africa Pty (Ltd) hosted an ArtiosCAD training course, showcasing the possibilities offered by the structural packing design software.
ArtiosCAD forms part of the ESKO stable of exceptional products and is ideal for all corrugated, folding carton and POP, POS and FSDU display designers. With tools designed for packaging professionals for structural design, product development, virtual prototyping and manufacturing this software also saves design time and reduce errors.
‘A few of our select customers were privy to full blown educational sessions during which the best known and most popular structural design software package was showcased in detail,’ said Keith Solomon, Director of Antalis.
‘We jumped at the opportunity to maximise the expertise of the Esko team, who were here to attend the Sign Africa Expo held in August. The customers who attended relished the detail that was given during the day and we’ve had feedback that other, similar, courses would be well received in the future. I am very pleased with the feedback and, of course, the obvious success of this initiative,’ concluded Solomon