Mzwakhe Booi was crowned the winner of the 2019 Sign Africa and FESPA Africa T-shirt Design Competition. Booi won a cash prize of R3500, runner-up Tanita de Lange won R1750 and the second runner-up, Deshmir Moodley, won R1000.

Submitted designs had to comprise of the ‘An Explosion Of Possibilities’ theme and contestants had to post their designs on the Sign Africa and FESPA Africa Facebook pages. Contestants had to get as many likes as possible for their design to be printed and showcased at the registration area of the Sign Africa and FESPA Africa Expo, which took place from 11-13 September 2019 at Gallagher Convention Centre. The top 15 entrants’ designs were open for the public vote, and from there, the three winners were chosen.

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