Five Reasons To Choose Domed Labels


Domed labels are printed on adhesive paper and then cut according to personalised shape and size. A small quantity of resin is applied on them and once the resin becomes hard, a three-dimensional final effect is guaranteed. According to Flexa, if you want to boost your image and catch the attention of the crowd, you need to have domed labels among your promotional tools.

Five reasons to choose domed labels instead of the ones printed traditionally:

1. The domed labels and stickers have a great aesthetic impact with a soft and pleasant touch.
2. They give a three-dimensional effect compared to traditionally printed materials.
3. The doming effect enhances the brightness of the colours and protects the print, making it last for a long time.
4. The doming is a scratch-resistant coating with no yellowing effect.
5. It is an elegant and quality tool to emphasise brands or products such as machinery, cars and more.

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